Our classes.

Become a member today to get access to all of our courses

  • Expert led

    Each program is delivered by qualified professionals - such as Doctors, Maternity Nurses, and Physiotherapists - and supported by AI, so nothing is missed.

  • On demand

    They might not keep regular hours, so you might not either. Access what you need, when you need it, and most importantly, when it suits you.

  • Summary sheets

    Key aspects of our sanity-saving programmes re summarises in downloadable summary sheets, for quick refreshers for your tired mind.

Baby Essentials

Our classes

Class title

Happy little friends' scholarship programme

We believe that expert, actionable information can help any parent. As part of our community programme, we are offering scholarships to families who may currently have some financial issues. 

Complete the form via the button below to be considered for a free annual subscription to Happy Little Friends.

Happiness Guarantee.

We hope that you’ll find our information as useful as we do. And we hope that you’ll be as happy as we are. If you’re not, let us know for a full refund. We just request that you give us feedback on what you didn’t like, so that we can improve.